Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Painting 100 Pelicans

I'm determined to keep my mind as positive as possible right now.A very very hard task today for me knowing my Love my Heart and Soul( The GULF of Mexico) is bleeding in great pain.But I will not give up hope!!!! Writing it helps! I will hold in my mind in my heart a positive outcome for Mother Earth.So I have decided to paint 100 pelicans. While I paint them I pour only love and light on them.
please join me in sending only love and healing to our GUlf of Mother Earth right now and every time the clock turns 6 o'clock.


ReneeBuchananArt said...

I totally feel your pain. What has happened is beyond trajedy. Your pelicans are a lovely tribute. Sending prayers your way!

Renee :)

Peaceswirl said...

Thank yooouuu so much.....you just touched my heart.I am blessed that I can express myself with my art.... Art and Music...thank GOD for the gifts of art and music .....I don't think anythang can take them away from us.
Yes please pray . We need a real miracle here....for the oil to stop!I do believe in miracles ! Thank you ! Peace Love and Art!