Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Creative Click !

Emotions ...tears ....anger...heart touching...starts swirling swirling then ...click! That is when and where the paint starts flowing~~~then the art high.Oh if I could just stay there ....painting and painting connecting with that higher energy...because it is those times when I lose myself and let that source come through that I love ....that connection...letting it create through me instead of me trying to control ....anything.....just let go ~~~let it go ~~~ let go ~~~


ReneeBuchananArt said...

I can tell what you're feeling through your work. It is GREAT. I think you are WAY ahead of me on our quest to create our series of animals. I still haven't started my next squid :(

I always love stumbling upon a fellow artist who loves to blog! I really get wrapped up in what they're doing!

Peaceswirl said...

Well no time like right now to start that squid.We need everyone's thoughts and prayers on healing our Gulf and Earth.and I think painting squids will really help.

Well I wouldn't say I love to blog just yet anyways but I always like connecting with kindred spirits.

Kelly said...

What great paintings! I understand how frustrating this whole mess is. You have done such a fabulous job with these paintings.

Peaceswirl said...

Hi Kelly !Nice ta meet cha! The only way we will get through this mess is with understanding loving energy from folks like you.Thank you !