Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm back...

Whew over one year I last posted.Sure wish I could have taken a shorter path but such is life.What I know for sure.That I do need nature quiet free spaces where I can listen to my inner spirit. The city was fun for a little bit ...always something new. But living there on the side of French Quarter I saw the whole picture ...and to me it wasn't pretty at all.I saw how the clans the circles of peoples..from the richest to the poorest street people.I would have thought both would have freedom.But not so at all.They all have a leader or a ladder of leaders.Really pretty scary stuff peoples of the city.Not for me.I would not could not play any of their games.Freedom and truth of my soul are most important.So in a city full of peoples I became more and more lonely.I got further and further away even from myself. It took some real shaking up but the spirit moved me out.What a whirlwind.And life embraced me over here on the other side.NATURE !! so much beautiful nature quiet birds a singing and then I inherited a beautiful yard of great plants and extras to plant and play and nurture .Thank you Catherine. I was dragging though.I knew the signs but had to keep going ....until ...I couldn't go anymore.The CFS took me all the down again...Couldn't move for weeks... As soon as I got a little clearing and found my spot to create I began to paint again.I have found out I have to hear to really listen to my inner self to free my creative energy.I am still very weak but on my way back.... peace is a daily spiral walk sometimes upward sometimes backwards ....always trying to find balance and keep moving onward peace love light happiness Debora 'PeaceSwirl'


Anonymous said...

Well Girlfriend, I for one am glad to see you back! I know that feeling of loosing your artistic mojo and feeling smothered in a city! Being from NYC you know what I mean... but now living in the wilds of New Hampshire I couldn't be happier... it is my little piece of Nirvana! :D
Looking forward to future posts and visits...
Always remember, you ROCK! :D
Beth P

Peaceswirl said...

Hi Elizabeth, now this is some slow responding ...5 months.But I really appreciate it .I love hearing of friends who make big changes and finding great peace and happiness.Thank you.

Peaceswirl said...

Hi there Chris.Thank you so very much.