Monday, July 12, 2010

We Need Birds

I've been in my wild creative place lately.Ideas constantly zooming round and through my mind.This happens after the shock wears down. It took me one full year after hurricane Katrina for it to kick in full year of constant crying.This time I quickly noticed the ptsd signs.I think that helped moved me alone this process.
I have also noticed all through my life when I'm in the mist of my own inner hurricanes it is the birds that snap me out of it...calm me me get back in touch with the sweetest of life and back to my center back to some inner peace.

And I naturally go to my hands and colors that I can touch.... my healers my medicine.My art comes from that heart and soul .In fact I do much better if I don't think about it .Like this little bird. I was on the phone talking and I just started cutting.The shapes ....birds ,hearts and rectangles.And then they fell together just like that and said ,"Well Look at That!"Sweet! On the back I wrote a quote by Mother Teresa ,"Peace begins with a smile."Birds help me do just those things.
The Earth needs the birds....

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