Thursday, May 22, 2008

Overcast and some light rain for most of the day.I worked on my painting last night and for most of today.Rusty(cat) just didn't know what to think.I first found the battered old piece of wood and added some other found objects that I have picked up along the ways.I made the guitar with this painted paper that my sign painter neighbor uses.This made it nice a shinny .About mid-way Mr. Fred McDowell came on the radio !!!This happens many times and I love it so much.It's like they approve of my work.

My mind was clear and my energy was normal.


Randall Douglas said...

I'd like to see more blog posts. Your attitude and work is very encouraging and uplifting for other artists.

Peaceswirl said...

Gosh ! I am way behind ! Just read these comments you left months ago....not like flickr and just pop up .So I'm trying to get in the swing of this.... now with this oil spill I have so much I want to voice.But isn't that so cool how many of the artist like Fred would come on the radio as I painted them?